Honey Mustard and Wet Shoes

Nagoya Day Two:

I am quite amazed at the cards that life deals. I came to Nagoya with no plans whatsoever but things worked out great. I discovered that a friend of mine whom I’ve wanted to see in concert performed on the day I was here.

I decided to take a bus to the station. I timed it so I would arrive at the hall exactly at 1:00. After ten minutes, the bus was not coming. What I did not realise at the time was that today being a holiday, there were no buses. I waited and stood there in the rain. I was about to head back to my friends house when a car drove past and stopped a little bit away from me. It started to back up and I grinned. A elderly man stuck his head out from his car and asked what I was waiting for. I told him that I had been waiting for a bus, but I seemed to have missed it. He then reminded me of the holiday and I felt a slight pang. I would miss the concert. However, the lovely old man ended up giving me a ride to the station. I was very thankful to him and I could not help grin from ear to ear as we talked. He used to travel around the world for business. He seemed very international and I told him that I was surprised to see so many foreigners in Tokyo on my last visit. Agreeing, he also shared that he is worried about foreigners being in Japan because you never know what kind of things they could do. I laugh and agree thinking about some of my own crazy friends.

The concert was supposed to be outside, but because of the rain it changed venues. I was happy to sit down and listen to all of the marching bands and my friend’s lovely singing voice. I usually fall asleep during concerts, and this one was no different. I took a small nap and woke up during the intermission.

Afterwards, I wanted to get a bite to eat. I told myself that I should be adventurous and find some hidden cafe’ only in Nagoya. I passed a TGIF and I felt drawn to the menu but moved on. I walked down the road and realised that I didn’t want to go anywhere else. I turned my heels around and found myself in the most commercial restaurant in the area. I sat down at the bar and right away I take out my sketchbook and pen and draw the people eating. I then noticed a handsome fellow across from me making eyes at me. We smiled back and forth at each other. It seemed as if he wanted to come over.

He never made it though. Instead, a very talkative gentleman in his late 40s sat besides me. We started chatting and I discovered that he was from New Jersey. We discussed Japan, religion, kids, and just how funny life is. I am always entertained by how long men can talk about how much foam should be on top of a beer. As he left, we shook hands and told me that he would like to meet again soon. Life brings people into your life, and takes people out. I finished my chicken fingers and last bit of honey mustard after he exited the building.

With all of the rain today, I was surprised that I did not need an umbrella. The clouds were kind enough to put the rain on hold for the time I was outside. With three cups of cocoa today, I sit at this computer and sigh a satisfied sigh. The more I live, the funnier life becomes.